Page 108 - YB1926_Classical
P. 108
ELIZABETH HAINES STUBBS "Stubbsy ' History DELTA, PENNSYLVAt>.'IA Delta 11igh School Philomathean Literary Society; J. C. c.. Y.\V.c.A.; HarforclCoun ty Club. '23, '24: W. A. O's.: Treasurer Delta Sigma Kappa, '23, '24; Corresponding Secretary Sunday School, '25, '2G. "Worth, courage, honor, these indeed You.r sustenance and b-irthr'ightare." I and steadfastness. such very all that betokens Elizabeth Elizabeth's trust-worthiness, as be in capability, name LiZABETH-the Not only the name, appearance but is capable well betokens and can characteristics. she undertakes. She has succeeded counted on to complete of all because stands she always is right; for what for what winning the respect Elizabeth will work for all these things but has no is true and good. patience at all with sham, false pride, and false pretenses. Because she is true she is trusted; because she is capable and willing to do her best she has been given responsibilities; because she has been a friend she has won friends. Whenever the girls were having a heated discussion or argument Elizabeth didn't takean active part, but when she did express her opinion it was sure to be worthwhile and just the sensible thing to say. Elizabeth has a wealth of com- 1110n sense, at the same time being jolly and always for a good time. Such a combination of characteristics is insurance for a life happiness, a life of success.
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