Page 102 - YB1926_Classical
P. 102
History \VILLlAMSBURG, MARYLAND Hurlock High School Philoma thean Literary Society; Delta Sig- ma Kappa, Secretary, '24; ]. G. c., Y. W. C. A.; Dorchester County Club; Hiking Club. OUISE is another of those fair maidens who hail from the Eastern Shore, and is proud of it. If you don't believe this, just drop a slighting remark about the "Sho." but you had better be prepared to put up a pretty good pillow fight! l "Wees" has ideas of her own about everything. You may try to convince her if you like, but unless you have some pretty good, sound reasons, you are apt to hear her say, "That may all be very true, but I have my opinion and I'm going to stick to it." Her sunny disposition has made her a favorite among a great· number of her classmates. She is hardly ever known to frown, but is always seemingly happy and contented. We have a theory about this, however, and believe it is because she has her "Toddy" almost every hour of the day. Louise is "good company," the kind of person one likes to have around. Whenever there was a game of on hand, Louise was always there. Her specialty is "no trump," but she been known to bid as high as six diamonds and win! Although na turally of a peace-loving nature, Louise surprised us all in her Senior year by planning the campaigns and fighting all the battles of the Mexican War. \Ve're betting on YOIl, Louise, to win a great many more battles next year, and ever after.
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