Page 104 - YB1926_Classical
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GERALD EMIL RIO-ITER "Rick" TlAA Mathematics \VELLS, MAINE Soulh Manchester (ConllectiC1lt) High School Webster Literary Society, Critic, '25, President, '26; Biology Club: Y. J. C. Club, '24, '25: Waiters Union, '23, '24, '25; Gold Bug, Reporter, '25, Associate Editor, '20; Monthly Advertising Manager, '2,5, '26; Choral Club, '23; Jesters, '26; Editor- in-Chief ]926 ALOHA; Lion Tamers Club; Norment Contestant, '24; Y. M. C. A.; 1st Lieutenant, R. O. T. C. If the heart of a man. is depressed with cares, The mist is d-ispelled when a woman appears. HIS reserved preacher's son came to our class from Connecticut, but since then has transferred his allegiance to that far away state of Maine. This, however, is of no real significance, for his heart is in Maryland. .. Gerald believed that there was such a thing as studying too hard; so to insure against any such disastrous results on this score, he entered whole- heartedly into extra-curricula activities. He was very much interested in society work and was president of Webster for the mid-term of 1925-'26. However, his greatest success in extra-curricula activities was reached ill the editing of the 1926 ALOHA. The calm, confident, and det.ermined manner which characterized his work upon this book impresses upon LIS his real per- sonality. There is one other activity of his that must have a word of comment. We have "Rick's" own word for it; "Parlor is my major." We clo not know who his Advisor was, but other enthusiasts say he could not have made a better choice.
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