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DOROTHY MONTELL ROBINSON ., "Dotty" Enghsh STREET, MARYLAND Bel Air Hi?,h School Philomathean Literary Society; Delta Sig- ma Kappa; J. C. c C. S. G. A.; Harford County Club; Sponsor B. Co., '26; ALOHA Staff: Associate Editor Gold Bug, '25, '26; Philo Prelims, '23, '24; Class Basket-ball, '23, '24, '25, '26; Y. Vi, C. A. Crace is in all her steps, Heaven in In every and love. VER since 'way back in 1922 when" Dotty" first entered Western Maryland College. she has been a prominent figure on the Hill. She is the youngest member of her class, but, right. at the top in spite of the fact. Her work on the Gold Bug proved her literary worth, and her grades her scholastic standing. As a charmer" Dotty" has no equal. She was a regular attendant at that famous and time honored institution known as" Parlor;" no Friday or Saturday night passed that" Dotty" was not on deck. "Dotty" is a lovable lass, full of fun, with a smile for everyone, and is very popular with all her college chums. 'Who doesn't admire a sweet smile and a cheery di .sposition? Her sterling worth and vast amount of good common sense have won her a host of friends. All in all "Dotty" is a true friend, and we wish her all possible success and happiness.
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