Page 98 - YB1925_Classical
P. 98
MARY JANE BUCHAN English "M. Jane" Palmer, Virginia Whitestone High School Philomathean Literary Society; F. R. S. O. E. "Good sense, which only is the gift of "Heaven, And though no science, fairly worth the seven." M ARY JANE is one of those people who has made good without any She has never worked for grades, yet we never hear particular effort. of her being called before the College Studies Committee. She has never made it a particular point to take part in college affairs; yet, when she does, she is as cordially welcomed as the next one. The reason for this is that this lady has a jovial disposition, though at times a wilful one, and a pleasing line of experi- ences, with which to entertain a group. She has that peculiar characteristic known to all members of her sex-an inflexible will. She has been referred to as the Rock of Gibraltar in more than one instance. However, we are beginning to think that this young lady has met a stronger will; for, since she has become a Senior, she scouts off to Baltimore frequently for the week-end. That's all right, Mary Jane; we know you for what you are; and we know, too, that with persistence comes success. [90]
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