Page 101 - YB1925_Classical
P. 101
MARY LAVINIA MEHRING Biology "Mary" Keymar, Maryland Thurmont High School Browning Literary Society; Frederick County Club. "Silence, when nothing need be said, is the eloquence of discretion." W HEN you hear a funny yet sweet little laugh you know Mary is about, for she certainly has a patent on a characteristic giggle. But for all her giggly giggles this ambitious person holds i.n the hollow of her hand a very certain requisite for success. That requisite is the power to see a thing rhrough=-stick-to-it-iveness. Perhaps she has a motto which runs like this: "When a task is once begun, never leave it till it's done." For her Junior year Mary journeyed South, perhaps to discover the distance of "Miles." True to the Western Maryland proverb, she came back this year, all except her heart, which she lost in Caroline. But it's a safe bet that she did not lose it because she was wearing it on her sleeve. Here is one woman of whom we can truthfully say: "She is not a waster of words." She believes in that old proverb that while "Speech is silvern, silence is golden." [93}
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