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P. 94
MILDRED ELIZABETH BEAVER Home Economics "Beaver" Baltimore, Maryland Catonsville High School Philomathean Literary Society; Y. W. C. A.; J. G. C.; Powder Puffs, '24; Class Basketball, '24, '25. "Por good lieth not in pursuing, 'Nor gaining of great nor of small; But just in the doing, and doing As we would be done by, is all." U NMINDFUL of the hustle and bustle of college life around her, we come But to one who possesses what some one has called "a curse of solitude." not so, for out of this desire to be alone with her thoughts, Mildred has molded her personality. "While it is true that WI::: stand or fall together, it is also true-and it is a deeper truth-that we stand or fall alone." And yet she neither believes that she is sufficient unto herself, nor is she self, centered. Rather, she is ever ready to work with her fellow-students in any enter' prise, ever ready to enjoy some sport. Go to her room when you will, and there you'll und candy and flowers galore. How heartily we thank the donor! Kindness and perseverance are her outstanding characteristics, and what wealth it is to possess them! [86]
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