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f HELEN STONE English "Boze" Baltimore, Maryland Western High School Browning Literary Society; Browning Pre- lims, '21, '22, '24; Browning Alternate, '23; Vice-President of Browning, '24; Browning Pre- liminary Debate, '25; Powder Puffs, '23; Honor Board, '24; Vice-President of W. W., '22; President of W. W., '23, '24; Class Basketball, '22, '23, '24; Varsity Basketball, '25; Y. W. C. A.; J. G. C.; W. W.; F. R. S. O. E. '~She was a phantom of delight When first she gleamed upon my sight." V IVACIOUS, gay, overflowing with pep, "Boze" came, she saw, she con- quered; and those who fell a victim to her charms have not yet recovered themselves. Perhaps one reason why "Boze" has won such a number of friends lies in the fact that she is such a true and loyal pal. It is because of their faith in her ability that she has held so many responsible positions in club, society, and school activities. To balance these more serious pursuits, "Boze" chose as a pastime "Parlor," an institution in which she has upheld her rep for popularity. "Boze" has never missed a chance to have a good time; her clever and original ideas have put life into the dullest parties; and her enthusiasm and class spirit have not been excelled by any devotee to the blue and gray. Filled with the joy of living, yet awake to the need of the deeper things of life, may she find that place in the scheme of things wherein she will be of the greatest delight and most service to all who know her. [8J)
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