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IDA ADELE OWINGS Home Economics "Dell" Owings, Maryland Western Maryland Preparatory School Philomathean Literary Society; W. W.; ]. G. C.; Y. W. C. A.; Southern Maryland Club; Class Chairman, '22; Philo Prelims, '22, '23, '24; Treasurer of Philo, '23; Recording Secre- tary, '23; Treasurer of Y. W., '25; President of J. G. C., '25; Vice-President of W. W., '25; Assistant Business Manager of ALOHA, '25; Senior Representative on Student Council, '25. "A truer, nobler, trustier heart, More loving, or more loyal, never beat Within a human breast." rro present a characterization of Adele would require more than skill-it .1 would be an art in itself. At the very beginning Adele established for herself high ideals, ideals in which we find the underlying cause for her many and brilliant achievements. Her friends were quick to recognize her wonderful organizing faculties; her surprising calmness of judgment; her promptitude and decision of character. her courage to stand by her convictions; and her ever-constant loyalty to he; friends, to her colleagues, and to her social affiliations. These personal qualities- combined to make a striking, magnetic personality-have peculiarly fitted Adele for the many positions of responsibility with which she has been entrusted and which she has so successfully filled. Because all these things are so, Adele has made her mark on College Hill; and because they are so, Adele will continue to achieve those things for which on College Hill she was respected, admired, and loved. [89}
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