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• MARY ELIZABETH WARFIELD English "Mary" Westminster, Maryland Western Maryland Preparatory Scl~ool Philomathean Literary Society; Y. W. C. A.; J. G. C.; W. W.; Poets' Club; Powder Puffs, '23, '24; Girls' Cheer Leader, '22, >23, '24, '25; Treasurer, Class, '22, '23; Sponsor of Co. B, '23; Sponsor of Co. A, '24; Philo Preliminary Con. test, '23, '24; Philo Contestant, '24; Recording Secretary of Philo, '23; Corresponding Secre- tary of Philo, '23; Philo President, '25; Vice. President of \V. W., '25; Gold Bug Reporter, '25; Associate Editor of ALOHA; Honorable Mention, '22, '23. "Sugar and spice and everything nice, That's ulha; little girls are made of." W HEN the cornerstone of Western Maryland College was laid, in ~867, Mary must have been born. We have no surviving record to substan- tiate this, and she surely doesn't look her fifty-eight years; but, since no one recalls the date of her arrival, we assume that she and the' college were born simultaneously. After having made for herself quite a record in Prep School, Mary joined us with a determination to "carryon." The one word in the English language which perfectly describes Mary is (Dare we write it? She hates it so thoroughly!) Sweet' Her hobby is horses; her favorite costume, her riding habit; and her standby, "perfectly won-n-n- derful. " Mary has been loyal at all times to her society In mythical plays, she was Philo's fairy; in weddings, her bride; last June, in the contest, her pride; and, as a grand finale, in the last term, her president. All in all, Mary can be summed up in these few words: a big bubble of love for everyone. Keep sweet, Mary! Success is yours! [87]
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