Page 80 - YB1925_Classical
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HERBERT ROOSEVELT STEPHENS Chemistry "Paddock" Westminster, Maryland Kansas City High School Webster Literary Society; Varsity Football, '22; Class Baseball, '24; Officers' Club; Y. M. C. A. ."Unblemished let me live, or die un~nown; o grant an honest fame, or grant me none." "pADDOCK" hails from Kansas, Nebraska, and points west; and along with him he brought the atmosphere of frankness and manhood for which that part of the country is noted. Joining the class of '25 in his Freshman year, he was immediately introduced to the manly art of football, and was a hard worker on the team. As a student he is a follower of science and has chosen as the realm of his experiments biology, and in this field of activity he is far above the average student, and whenever a biology or chemistry student is in trouble they generally go to see "Paddock." Nor is his work limited to science, for he is an all-around student. His extra-curricula activities, outside of athletics, seem to be limited to travel. He certainly has the aim to see the world and leaves no stone unturned in an effort to see all in the world that is worth seeing. If you want good, reliable informa- tion about foreign .lands, go see "Steve" and he will tell you straight. In his Senior year "Paddock" has broadened considerably and has included in the scope of his attainments the social realm, where he is at the present time threatening to become supreme. Good luck, "Steve," whether in science, travel, or the sea of matrimony. "Hitch your wagon to a star, and drive." [721
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