Page 77 - YB1925_Classical
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CHARLES LITTLETON TRADER History "Bronc" Crisfield, Maryland Western Maryland Preparatory School Webster Literary Society; President Webster Literary Society; Inter-Society Debater, '22, '23, '24; Inter-Society Contest, '24; President Student Council, '24, '25; President Honor Board, '24; Vice-President Y. M. C. A., '24; Vice-President Black and White Club; President Debating Coun- cil, '25; Inter-collegiate Debater, '24; Class Foot- ball, '22, '23; Class Baseball, '22; Deputation Team; Theological Association; Inter-collegiate Oratorical Prelim. Contestant; Poets' Club. "Friendship' mysterious cement of the soul! Sweetener of life! and solder of society!" " BRONC" first made his appearance on the "Hill" as a "prep" in Septem- ber, 1919. He came to us from Crisfield, where he had been manager of the Western Union office, but had felt the call of something higher. During his college career "Bronc" has made his mark as an all-around debater, society member, and orator. In all ways he has taken an active part in the intel- lectual pursuits outside of the college curriculum. And is he popular? Ask any Senior girl. A big brother to all, he shares our joys and sorrows alike, and never fails to make his presence felt by the good which he has done. The Class of '25 is hon- ored to reach the goal of its attainments with "Bronc" as a co-worker, and those of the undergraduate student body will feel severely the loss of a powerful force for good on the "Hill" when he leaves it. We are all for "Bronc;" and whatever he does or wherever he goes, we know that he will do credit and honor to both his class and Alma Mater, for he is actuated by a high purpose: "To be, rather than to seem." [69]
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