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ROBERT FERRIS WARD Mathematics "Bob" Baltimore, Maryland Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Webster Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Inter- Society Debater, '24; Class Honors, '24. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." BER T has been with us for only two years, entering into Our midst in his Junior year, but in the short space of time that he has been here he ~ has impressed us with two facts, namely, his scholarship and his love of the beautiful. All his interests can be summed up under these two classes. It is his keen delight to drink from the fountain of wisdom. And as a con- scientious student, hard worker, and good thinker, his peer would be hard to find. He is not content to just imbibe knowledge, but brings to the facts at hand the light of experience and the ability to choose. But his greatest delight lies in the realm of the beautiful-not necessarily feminine beauty, though he is an ardent follower in that realm-but he finds de' light in contemplating all existence in terms of beauty. In fact, his reason for existence lies in his ability to appreciate the beautiful. As an apostle of beauty, he is an ardent follower of the Persian philosopher-poet, Ornar Khayyam, feeling that it is the sum of all joy to live, let live, and love the world, for all things great and small have as the reason for their being, beauty. ;:73}
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