Page 85 - YB1925_Classical
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ELMA ELIZABETH LAWRENCE History "Elma" Cumberland, Maryland Allegany High School Philomathean Literary Society; J. G. C.; W. A. G.; W. W.; Y. W. C. A.; Treasurer of Philo, '21; Philo Prelims, '22; Philo President, '25; Class Basketball, '21, '25; Class Treasurer, '24, '25; Eagles Mere Delegate, '24; Honorable Men- tion, '23, '24. "0 never say that I was false of heart, Though absence seemed my flame to qualify." U to whom she pledges herself; absolute truth in mind, spirit and heart- NALTERABLE loyalty to all sincerity in all that she does; unswerving this is Elma. Her every duty has been performed with precision; every office has been filled with credit; every opportunity has been seized and made the most of. No one who counts Elma a friend has ever had cause to regret it; for her loyalty has caused her to be a real friend, sympathetic, congenial, inspiring. True in heart is she; for that heart, guided by mind and spirit, to make a choice, adheres to its decision with a tenacity characteristic of Elma. Elma stands out among us symbolical of courage-the courage born of a true and noble heart. She is one whose friendship we covet; and whose friendship, having been won, we cherish most dearly. [77]
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