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JESSE POTTER DAWSON, JR. English "Ike" Baltimore, Maryland Wi1liamsport Dickinson Seminary Webster Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Black and White Club; Poets' Club; , Varsity Football, '22; Jesters, '22; Inter-Society Debater, '23; Class Football, '23; Student Council, '23, '24; Presi- dent Class, '23, '24; Officers' Club. "A man he seems of cheerful yesterdays And confident tomorrows." N based upon his ideals. And what are his ideals? When he first entered owriteup of "Ike" can be complete, in fact, can be written except it be the ranks of '25 in his Freshman year he had the ideal of comradeship and service. And he lived up to it. He was, and still is, a good comrade to all, and a pal worthy of the highest confidence and trust. In the realm of service he also was supreme, for for two years he was chosen by his classmates as their President and led them successfully through many difficult problems, bringing them safely to victory and success. When at the beginning of his Senior year he was forced by the stress of other outside duties to relinquish the helm, his loss was felt keenly by all in the class. However, the class knows that their loss is another's gain, for the Methodist Church has received an efficient and competent minister and, dare I say it, Psyche has again been very busy and another has fallen prey to her charms. For there is in the heart of Maryland a member of the fairer sex who has gained a precious possession, and it is rumored that very soon after commencement "two hearts will beat as one." "Bon voyage, classmate." [ 54J
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