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ALBERT ALLNUTT DARBY Chemistry "AI" Dawsonville, Maryland Randolph-Macon Academy Webster Literary Society; Vice-President Web- ster Literary Society, '25; Y. M. C. A.; Gamma Beta Chi Club; President, Gamma Beta Chi Club, '25; Officers' Club; Member Honor Board; Secretary, Student Council, '25; Class Football, '22; Class Baseball, '22, '23, '24; Rifle Team, '22, '23, '24, '25; Major R. O. T. C., '25; Business Manager Monthly, '25; President Senior Class. "Whate'er he did was done with so much ease, In him alone 't was natural to please_" "AL" DARBY represents the highest type of college man-the ideal Western Maryland holds up before her aspiring undergraduates. His varied talents have been so well co-ordinated and his energies distrib- uted over such wide fields that his proficiency in each individual branch of endeavor is surprising. In any activity which he entered, "AI" became a leader. Darby has made enviable marks in his classwork, standing among the highest in that division of activities. In service to his class, "AI" is undoubtedly first among many worthy competitors. He has upheld his class honor to an unusual degree and with marked ability. As President of the Senior Class, "AI" guided the destinies of the group through a difficult year, removing obstructions by pure personal influence, and introducing many constructive measures. He was the pep and life of the Gamma Beta Chi Club, serving as its President twice. His conquests of various feminine hearts have been accomplished with his usual mastery, and has earned for him the title "Shiek." As Major of the Battalion, he displayed an equal mastery over men, maintained by kindness and thoughtful consideration. "AI" not only deserves the best, but he will get it, for such ability as he possesses cannot be denied. He bears the love and respect of all as a tribute to his personality and his manhood.
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