Page 116 - YB1925_Classical
P. 116
VELVA LEWIS English "Velva" Madison, New Jersey Drew Seminary for Girls Philomathean Literary Society; Associate Edi- tor, Gold Bug, '24, '25; Philo Representative on Debating Council; Choral Club, '23; Powder Puffs, '24, '25; Honorable Mention, '23; Asso- ciate Editor, ALOHA; Secretary, Y. J. C. Club, '25; Class Basketball, '24, '25; J. G. C.; Y. W. C. A.; Y. J. C. Club; F. R. S. O. E.; Sunday School, '24, '25. "She is pretty to wal~ with, And witty to tal~ with, And pleasant, too, to thin~ on." T HREE words, containing an aggregate of twenty' four letters, that best . descnbe Velva Lewis? "Clever, brilliant, versatile!" You win! They fit! Her cleverness ranges all the way from designing a costume, which made her the embodiment of horror in a ]. G. C. parade, to selling ALOHApictures and actually getting the money for them. (Now, you know that it takes a clever person to do the latter.) Her grades, and especially her "A" in Old English for the semester, testify to her subtlety of intellect. Her versatility? Heavens, she can do-and in a most creditable manner, too-anything from writing snappy news items for the Gold Bug to rivaling Miss Harris on the Baker Chapel organ. And along with all of these rather prodigious characteristics, it must not be forgotten that Velva has a fine capacity for friendship and for service. Since Velva is thus so richly endowed by nature, we predict for her a future of great achievements. [108]
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