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SUSIE BELLE MATTHEWS French "Susie" Parksley, Virginia Parksley High School Philomathean Literary Society; Y. W. C. A.; J. G. C.; Sunday School; Choral Club, '22, '23; Class Basketball, '23, '24, '25. "Nothing's so sacred as honor, And nothing so loyal as love." F ROM the land with fried chicken and beaten biscuit bless.ed, comes Susie; and, like that same land, she is blessed with all that is good and true. her. Generous, straightforward, loyal, she is admired and loved by all who know One sterling characteristic, which we recognize above all others, is her power to cultivate friendships-loyal and steadfast friendships, ever to be treas- ured. And she is lively, with a rep for being an able tease, a clever perpetrator of tricks, and a dependable scorer in any class contest, But, strange to say, her favorite pastime-should it be relegated to the ranks of pastime?-is "caroling." It seems to have a peculiar attraction for Susie at Christmas time-which is not to be wondered at-at parlor time, even at in' between times. We will miss you dreadfully, Susie; but, with the consolation that our loss is another's gain, here are our best wishes for your success and happiness. [112]
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