Page 112 - YB1925_Classical
P. 112
MARY GERTRUDE JONES French "Gertrude" New Market, Maryland Frederick High School Philomathean Literary Society; W. W. Club, Secretary and Treasurer; Y. W. Cabinet, '24 and '25; Accompanist for Powder Puffs; Y. W. Pianist; Frederick County Club; Philo Prelimi- nary Contest, '22 and '23; Honorable Mention, '22 and '24. "Love is the perfect sum of all delight." T RUE education co-ordinates the many activities of college life and produces Of Gertrude Jones it may be said that she drew a well-rounded graduate. from her four years at Western Maryland College a true education. Her scholastic attainments have been of the highest order. She has always been among the leaders of the class, receiving honorable mention in "22 and '24. Her proficiency in the musical studies was unexcelled on the "Hill." Her social activities have included tenure of office in the W. W. Club, the serving as accom- panist for the Powder Puffs, and an active partici pation in "Parlor." Her athletic endeavors have been confined to class and society contests. Her religious interests have centered around the Y. W. C. A. She served on the cabinet of this organi- zation for two years, acting as pianist and heading the music committee. To this array of achievements Gertrude adds an absolutely unselfish nature and a constantly sweet disposition. These natural attributes, coupled with a clear brain and a thorough preparation, will undoubtedly spell for her the success which she has earned by her sincere application to her various problems and by her keen appreciation of true values in college life. -:
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