Page 119 - YB1925_Classical
P. 119
ALTHEA WILSON DAVIS French "AI" Barton, Maryland Barton High School Browning Literary Society; J. G. C.; Y. W. C. A.; W. W.; Powder Puffs, '24, '25; Choir, '23, '24, '25: Choral Club, '22, '23. "It's the songs ye sing and the smiles ye wear, That's ama~in' the sun shine evel·ywhere." S the sunshine chases away the dewdrops, so do "AI's" smiles chase away the "blues." As the harmony of singing birds and murmunng brooks and all things beautiful brings peace and inspiration to the soul of man, so do "AI's" songs bring peace and inspiration to these favored few who hear her. Independent as the bird that wings its flight o'er land and sea; carefree as the babbling brook that, laughing and murmuring to itself, flows along to join the mighty ocean; just so "AI" goes her own way, rejoicing in the thought that some' one has been the happier for her coming. God had a minute speck of sarcasm; the right amount of seriousness; a sprinkling of tears; a liberal supply of wit and humor; a full measure of laughter, happiness, carefreeness, and independence; a capacity for friendship. So God took these things, and made "AI." [lll}
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