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MIRIAM STRANGE English "Miriam" Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis High School Philomathea·n Literary Society: J. G. C.; Y. W. C. A.; Y.' W. C. A. Cabinet, '22, '23, '24, Vice- President '25; Philo Treasurer, '23; Secretary and Treasurer Debating Council, '25; Secretary Class, '23. '24; Associate Editor Monthly, '25; Assistant Editor-in-Chief, ALOHA; Honor Board, '23; Honorable Mention, '22; Gold Medal, '23, '24; Norment Prize Contestant, '23; Philo Pre- lirns, '22, '23, '24; F. R. S. O. E.; Southern Maryland Club. "Patient of toil, serene amidst alarms, Invincible in faith, inflexible in aims." N o better picture of Miriam could be painted than the one which these lines bring before our minds. A paragon, For how \.0 describe her? a veritable model in excellence of everything that is worth while. Her ability to Judge between the right and the wrong; to distinguish the expedient from the inexpedient; her ability for leadership, have given to her the most reo sponsible and difficult positions on the Hill. Because of her capability, because of her perseverance, because of her integ- rity, she is held in the highest esteem. Because she has been a friend, she has many friends. Her wit, her keen sense of humor, which assert themselves at the most unex- pected times, are ever sources of great delight to her friends. Spiritually and mentally, Miriam is a leader, whose influence has reached her friends in a way never to be forgotten. A more admirable character, a dearer friend, the Class of '25 does not boast. [109)
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