Page 57 - YB1924
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FRANKLIN PAUL HARRIS History "Polly" Sykesville, Md. Irving Literary Society; Secretary Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, '22, '23; Vice-President Ir- ving, '24; Lieutenant R. O. T. C.; Irving Prelims., '23; Secretary 'Irving, '23; Chap- lain Irving, '21, '22; Vice-President Theologi- cal Association, '23; Class Football, '21, '22; Wrestling, '24; Glee Club, '21; Jesters, '22, '23; Officers Club. 1 "This Ford is my auto. I shall not want omother. It maketh me to lie down beneath it. It leadeth me in the paths of ridicule for its name- sake. Yea, though I ride through the valleys I am towed uphill. 1 fear every rut." "Not too serious, not too gay, A good fellow every day." YKESVILLE is the native town of Franklin Paul Harris. It was in the year 1918 that this chap made his appearance on the hill and registered at Western Maryland Preparatory School. He abode in Levine Hall and after very diligent work obtained the 8x10 sheepskin. The majority of the members of the class of '24 became acquainted with Polly at the beginning of our college career, September, 1920. He was accustomed to most of the do's and dont's on the hill so he offered us many suggestions such as where to find the Y. M. C. A., Sunday School, Dining Room, and Parlor. Paul is a fellow always ready to give you the hand of friendship, he is interested in creating good fellowship, active in many of the organizations and was the only member of the class to obtain the dis- tinguished medal for wounds received while at the front, in a battle at Camp Meade, July, 1923. Polly is a person who sticks to a thing until it is finished. With this stick-to-itiveness we may be assured that Paul is going to make a success in life. Forty-nine
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