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February 15-Irving and Webster debate. Irving for the second time scrapped an old tradition. February 16-Varsity bows to Mt. St. Mary's 29 to 8. Stanley absent. February 17-Dr. Wills spoke in Baker Chapel on "Jesus, the Teacher." February 18-Society meetings. Several senior girls start their practice teaching at the High School today. February 19-Basketball game between Junior girls and Prep girls. Jun- iors victors. February 20-Basketball game between Senior girls and Freshmen girls. Seniors lost first game in four years. February 21-Washington College's Flying Pentagon rode rough shod over us. February 22-Colonial party held in the gym. February 23-Franklin and Marshall winners in the wrestling match in the Armory. February 24-P. F. Warner spoke in Baker Chapel. February 25-Experiment with T. N. T. by High and Kinsey proves in- jurious. February 26-Miss Devault entertained a large audience in Alumni Hall. February 27-Miss Curling entertained the Freshmen girls and their - sextette. February 28-Pussyfoot Johnson, world-famed prohibitionist, spoke in Alumni Hall on the "Crescent and the Cross." February 29-Varsity wallops Blue Ridge 26 to 12 in New Windsor. R. O. D. B.'s entertain their "strikes" (Leap Year night). Moa-ch. l-In an additional five minute period the Y. M. H. A qefeated the Varsity 24 to 22. "Nutts" gets a box and serves breakfast this morning. March 2-Bishop W. F. McDowell spoke in Alumni Hall on the "Tempta- tions of Jesus." March 3-Freshmen girls defeated the Sophs 60 to 1. Maroh. 4-Freshman girls defeat the Juniors 30 to 9. "Sonny" packs clothes and sends them home for the spring vacation which comes a month hence. Mr. J. H. K. Shannahan gave an illustrated lecture on the "Romance of Steel." March 5-Dr. Nagle of Singapore gave, in Smith Hall, an illustrated lec- ture on Singapore. March 6-Prep party in Admission Parlor. Senior meeting to decide J. G. C. For once that noisy Senior mob was quiet. March 7-The Inter-Collegiate prelim held in Smith Hall. Messrs. Eaton and Richmond taking part as Seniors. March 8-Wag party in Admission Parlor., Who made the J. G. C. costumes? They were made today. March 9-Rev. Holloway spoke in Baker Chapel. March 10-Earth shrouded with the deepest snow of the year. March ll-Snow ball battle between the Freshmen and Preps. vs. the One Hundred and Fifteen
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