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November 24-Freshmen defeat Drexel, 14 to 0, at Philadelphia. November 25-Dr. Wills spoke in Joint Meeting. "Truth shall make you free." . November 26-College monthlies distributed. Oh, Sonny, how could you ever be so dumb as to hand Miss Robinson a permission signed-"Sincerely, Florene Simpson." November 27-Dr. Ward's birthday reception. It was a surprise, yet Dr. Ward greeted us in a full dress suit. Many students and town people wished him many happy returns. November 28-Cheer practice on terrace during the last football prac- tice of the year. November 29-Freshmen defeated by St. Mary's Preps this A. M., .7-0. Varsity defeats Mt. St. Mary's, 14-13, on Hoffa Field before the lar- gest crowd ever surrounding the bowl at W. M. C. The College Play- ers and the Powder Puff Chorus perform in Alumni Hall. November 30-Many Alumni were seen on the campus today. December I-A general exodus over the week-end. December 2-Dr. Ward's sermon in Baker chapel on books called this quo- tation to mind, "Scholarship to many people is the ability to repeat what is found in books." December 3-Whatever made Miss Robinson give her consent to let "Dit- ty" and "C. G." go to Hampstead today? Dr. Russell Conwell delivered his famous lecture, "Acres of Dia- monds," for the 6129th time, in Alumni Hall. December 4-An alumnus of '09 spoke of the advantages offered by W. M. C. along oratorical lines. December 5-Annual Sophomore and Freshman Football game. Sopho- mores won 13 to 6. Our sister class, we salute you on holding high the traditions passed to you from your worthy predecessors, the Class of '24. . December 6-"The Sun" paid a glowing tribute to four members of our class. Messrs. Kinsey, Long, Messler and Clayton. December 7-College Sextette tie the strong Notre Dame team in Balti- more. Y. M. entertains the young men in the Gym. Philo-Browning tea in the afternoon. December 8-The girls' basketball team defeated the Penn Hall girls, 16 to 13. December 9-Several girls attend early morning church. Miss Sills visits W. M. C. She speaks in joint-meeting. December 10-Varsity basketball practice begun. Wrestling schedule com- pleted. Exhibition dance on Bohemian Hall lasting from 11 to 11.30: December 11-Sillin chosen on the All Maryland team by "The Sun." December 12-First practice for the quintet in the armory. December 13-Frank SilIin presented with a gold football in chapel this A. M. amid cheers of the student body. . December 14-The first snow fall of the year. Quite a few students go to Baltimore to hear John McCormick. December 15-Rotary Club entertains the Varsity football squad. December I6-The annual Christmas entertainment in Baker Chapel by the Sunday School. One Hund1'ed and Twelve
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