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December 17-Senior class meeting; dedicated the year book to Dr. James. Sponsors for editor and president of the class. December 18-The inaugural of a Christmas dinner by the School. Miss Simpson and Mr. Eaton of '24 gave toasts. December 19-Webster and Philo societies entertain Browning and Irving. Even Santa comes after it was debated and decided that there really was a Santa Claus. December 20-Singing of Christmas carols around buildings 5 A. M. Christmas recess begins at 12 noon. 1924 January 2-Back to W. M. C. Gee we've had a lot of fun. January 3-The beginning of classes. We were reminded of the pro- pinquity of exams. January 4-It is cold work trying to get settled after the holiday. Why did the boiler burst just when we needed the most heat? January 5-The Faculty gave a reception to the students. Delightful evening was spent. January 6-Dr. G. 1. Humphreys spoke in Baker Chapel. January 7-Basketball practice resumed. Usual society meeting. Seniors excused from gym. Memorable day in the lives of many. January 8-Societies choose inter-collegiate debaters. January 9-The Seniors were present at a real "set out." Wish "Lil" would have another birthday soon. January 10-The basketball quintet leaves for Salisbury. January ll-Varsity defeats Salisbury collegians 25 to 22. Girls sit up all night and play solitaire. January 12-The Varsity girls defeat Maryland State Normal 39-9. Var- sity men defeat Maryland State Normal Boys 31-13. January 13-Entire student body goes down to the M. P. Church to hear the cantata, "Star of Hope." January 14-Miss Lease has sufficiently recovered so as to return to her work. Things move about as usual except that "Sonny" hears the rising bell for the first time this year. She got us all up for the fire. January 15-St. Andrew's furnishes little opposition for the court quintet defeats them 33 to 23. At least the R. O. D. B.'s are happy today. Have they not had the desire of their lives granted-to have a formal dinner in the tea room tomorrow night. January 16-They have their dinner. You all know the outcome. Long's birthday. January 17-Varsity lost first game of the season to Wymans of Baltimore. January 18-Burnell Ford explained some of the mysteries of science in Alumni Hall. January 19-The girls in one of the best games ever played defeated the Y. W. C. A. of Baltimore. Dr. and Mrs. Wills entertained the student members of the Episcopal Church. January 20-Dr. Forlines spoke in Baker Chapel. One Hundred and Thirteen
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