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November 1-Ward memorial had its name changed this morning. Cheer- ing in the afternoon and cheering at night. Fight Western Maryland! Fight! Fight! Fight. November 2-Cheering on the Grand Stand in anticipation of the game to- morrow. November 3-The school body 100 per cent strong marched to Homewood to see our warriors capture J. H.'s scalp, but alas! Dame Luck oper- ated against us and we went down to defeat, 17-0. November 4-Dr. Bogue spoke to us on law enforcement. He represents the International Prohibition Association. The usual two hours of "parlor" is enj oyed by all. , November 5-Webster and Irving Literary Societies held their first night meeting. Competitive day in eating peas with knives. November 6-Forks and spoons disappeared from the dining room. Fac- ulty holds "pep" meeting in chapel. A display of true college spirit. November 7-Some of our Political professors seemed very sore. Per- haps they forgot that the minds of the future were absorbing their j diosyncrasies. R. O. D. B. luncheon in Tea Room. November 8-Scrimmage between Blue Ridge and the Varsity. Senior girls are getting wild ( ?). They go again to the movies unchaperoned at night. November 9-Preps tied Brunswick in soccer on old athletic field. Girls defeat Notre Dame in basketball in afternoon. In the evening we enjoy the hospitality of the M. P. Church and adopt their slogan to "grin." November 10-Varsity and subs Juniata, 19 to O. November ll-Armistice Day-"Lest We Forget." November 12-Sonny, where did you get that sign ?-"If you spit on the floor at home, do so here, we want you to feel at home." Bet you trav- elled some distance to get it. N ouember 13-Armistice service in Westminster; parade by cadet bat- talion; address by Rev. C. Walck; very impressive ceremony during two minutes of national salute. November 14-Dr. James calls on the Secretary of State. November 15-All's quiet on the Hill, no sound save the smack of the pig- skin in preparation for the tilt with St . .Tohn's. November 16-Freshmen squad leaves for Laurel, Del. November 17-Freshmen defeat Laurel Highland; the Varsity tie St. John's. November 18-Beginning of Educational week. Dr. Ward spoke of his ideals and dreams for Western Maryland College. November 19-Musical students journeyed to Baltimore to hear Pader- ewski. November 20-Juniors elected class officers and editor-in-chief of ALOHA for 1925. November 21-Dr. H. A. Kelly spoke at a joint meeting of the Y. M. and Y. W. The Duggin Recital Artists gave a recital in Alumni Hall. November 22-Weekly parade by the cadet corps. November 23-Freshmen defeat Gettysburg, 33 to O. One Hundred and Eleven
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