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Sophs. Seniors and Juniors aid the Sophs in running the combination off the hill. . March I2-"Bill" Wood and the Gettysburg deputation team speak in the Y. M. C.A. The dreaded call of J. G. C. March I3-All enjoy the entertainment given to the college today at the expense of the Junior girls who wished to become members of J. G. C. March I4-Music and Speech recital in Smith Hall. It is funny, J. G. C., about the awful noise you make all night and then look so wide awake and happy next morning. March I5-Y. W. supper and bazaar. Meeting of the Wags in St. Pat- rick's Day celebration. March I6-C. C. Day spoke in Baker Chapel on "Wilt thou be made whole"? Thermometer registering around zero. March; 17-Webster Society held Oratorical Prelim. Irving elected offi- sers for the ensuing term. St. Patrick's Day. The Freshmen are not the only green things run- ning 'round the campus. March I8-First baseball practice held in the gym. Black and White paper is the cause of much indignation among the majority of the students. March 19-Varsity show at the Star. Chicken dinner in the kitchenette. March 20-"Piney" misses his education classes. No one in mourning. Columbus and Varsity show at the Star. Popularity Contest held. March 21-0rnithologistic lecture in Alumni Hall. March 22-L. W. Sapp, ex-president of the Area Squad, Officer of the Day. Most all the girls go to the High School play at the Opera House. March 23-Rev. Mr. Wright spoke in Baker Chapel. Maria and Gardy go to church. March 24-Seniors go to movies. Still no chaperons. Society meetings. March 25-"Nutts" studies all day long. March 26-Pictures taken for the year book. The work begins on the final forms of the A,LOHA. March 27-Sonny Simpson renews acquaintances with the typewriter to the annoyance of her friends on Senior Hall. March 28-Spring Recess begins at 12 Noon. One Hundred and Sixteen
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