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Class Diary October 15-A lecture in Political Economy in which the mighty men of valor pass before us as weaklings, except one governor who was ex- tolled to realms ethereal. October 16-A new light was installed on the campus today, we presume to permit closer scrutiny when returning from the library. All co-eds turn out to see the movie, "Six Days." Dr. Ward holds third conference with Senior girls. October 17-A Senior was greatly surprised to find his trunk on the porch of his beloved's home at 1 A. M. "G;as line broken," and one thrown out of history class. Miss Robinson oils the doors in McDaniel Hall. October 18-The Richmond Symphony Orchestra delightfully entertained the student body with a concert in Alumni Hall. W. W.'s entertain the R. O. D. B.'s. October 19-The Prep. contest with Franklin High on the old Athletic Field resulted in a 0-0 score. Seniors go unchaperoned to the movies at night. October 20- The clash between Charlotte Hall and the Freshman team on Hoffa Field. Score 32-0-Freshmen. The Varsity lost a hard-fought game to Davis and Elkins-14-6. October 21-Mr. H. S. Dulaney spoke in Baker Chapel on "Tithing." October 22-A noted professor invited to a conference with President Coolidge. Pep meeting after supper at which Mr. Cover tells student body without mincing words the real meaning of "pep." October 23-A mass-meeting in Smith Hall. The value of cheering was elucidated by Ralph Cover '10. October 24-Professor held conference with the President concerning the Pan-American Drama. October 25-Companies A and B and the Band were presented to their Sponsors .. Miss Warfield, sponsor of Co. A. Capt. J. G. Eaton. Miss Roberts, sponsor of Co. B. Capt. L. D. Kinsey. Miss Bear, sponsor of Band. A. E. Benson. October 26-Dr. W. W. Davis spoke to us in Chapel on the proper obser- vance of the Lord's Day. October 27-Freshman Football Team easily defeated the Guilford Club of Baltimore, 19-0. October 28-Annual Sunday School rally of Carroll County. Six bands furnish music for parade from the Park to Alumni Hall. October 29-The girls' Varsity basketball team defeated the girls from Maryland College. Cheering was abetted by the presence of the Band and Cadet Corps. October 30-School spirit running wild. We must beat Hopkins. Cheer- ing after each meal in the dining room. October 31-Hallowe'en party in the gym. Gym artistically decorated as usual. One Hundred and Ten
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