Page 22 - YB1907
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EDITH MARGARET MILLS, B. L. S. Washington, D. C. Margaret came "early to avoid the rush," having descended upon the class in the year one while '07 was still a prep. She looked rather infantile and became j II general favorite, but as she soon de- f~~lt:~dil:l~~;V~nrderae2~fnC~~a~r~:~S~: developed II great taste for elocution and piano, the latter being her s pee ia Ity Judging from the number of hours she f~~:i~';~~fr!7 r~~l\~~r~~c~:;~~:nt~; ~e;nbt~~gS~~h~t~loOC~~i~~EreeJ:is~ndS~: win the Society Contest.\~~n~:~~~t~~~f):~~ the College Choir where she helps swell the chorus when not other- wise engaged. Her disposition and natural attractions will make her popular wherever she goes. LILLIAN MAY NELSON, P. L. S. Fort Pierce, Fla. Like the rainbow, changeable, elusive and brilliant, uncertain in its changing, tantalizing yet attractive in its elusive- ,/ ness, and charming in its ht-illiancy is varied Lilly May. She has used her powers on class and teachers for the last fiveyears WIth marked success. Leading her class in the Sub-Freshman year she has received honorable mention at every commencement. As 11 vocalist she is without superior and is besides a line pianist. Her Enghsh papers are shown to the poor '07 boys as models. Lillian can also talk-and smile. Hersmile has been adopted as the regulation class smile, size, density etc. It is hard to say how she spends her time, There is a story that she was once reprimanded for using the Bell Telephone, and that she and her roommate quarreled over a broom. When Lillian makes up hermind on anything she carries it through. This faculty will always wm her success. 18
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