Page 20 - YB1907
P. 20
MARY ALLEN GRIFFITH, P. L. S. Potomac, Md. When Mary Allen leitPotomacshedid not leave he)' quaint ways in that little town. College rest~ictions were nothing to her, because d~rmg her first year she .j locked herself in her room so no one would disturb her meditations. Soon, however, she le f t the pinnacle of her ~~l!I?W)~.r~~h!~:~aI~~~:S!E~~~C~hi~ time II]SO, we may add, that her hair began t? get curly. "Poodle" is one of the bl'illiantmembersoftheclass, having received honorable mention every year. She is also quite a genius in a literary way. The more she "comes out of her shell," the better we like her, and we find she has as much silliness in her petile body as the rest of us. McCLURE HAMILTON HAUPT, W. L. S. Middtetovm, Md. II you come across a little man, half bald, who takes steps eleven inches in length, talks with measured tones and is ac c o m p a n led by the Bell(e) of tbe College you know. it is "Doc." This ~;~i~~roni~:v~?!~~n1d~ea f~~egl~~:~f~~t t:k:uh: h!dw~:J~h~v:'~sh;Jahi~ fa~~ at 6:46 instead of 6:47 A, M. according f~t!~~Ou~~ceD~~~h~ecl!~~:s~V!l~~eb~; comes to him for advice. In all his deal- ings he is fail' and just and his integrity has never been questioned. Never has ~is '~~~~k~"i~ rh~:!~~Ot~;~~~;5~~~si~seL~b~hHe~X~aeSmbee~~\~~i~i~ manager, historian of the Athletic Association, Vice-President of Y. M. C. A., and member of College Monthly Staff and of the Class Book Staff. Such a man is a source of pride to his native county, Frederick and to the Class of '07. By his graduation the College loses a wise head and the world gains a trustworthy adviser. 16
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