Page 18 - YB1907
P. 18
EDITH DAWSON, P. L. S. Traqrpe, Md. Edith Dawson was born at Bunker Hill farm, ~albot County. Moved to Ingleside fii~~Sc~~~~'19~~'~~~1'I~~~~h~l";~t: gree of this Eastern Sho' rmsa who upon entering college was soon to receive the pleasant name of "Sweetheart." She immediately showed a marked repug- nance for chocolate bugs and 11 marked fondness ror water battles. Her athletic feats won her a place on the basket-ball team, and her energy and good sense have made her indispenaible to the Col- lege Monthly Staff and the Class Book staff. She has spent much of her Sen- ~hirO~a~~~~~~~l~l~s~~~ts:'~~jt~o~~:~ ;i~~~l~~~ti'~t.S~ie;:V~hi~t;ub~ jects for portrayal are members of the faculty. NELLIE IRENE FRINGER, B. L. S. 1'a.wneytown, Md. har~~~d~l~lr ft~~:da1so~;h;;ยท~We~~~ entered W. M. C. as a Frenchman, She :~~~r~n~:.i~g~' i:~: ~~~e~;ednth~il~h~ I will leave smiling. She has smiled at everything from a mosquito to a Browney to say nothing of King George of the Seminary. Her first year was taken up in developing her musical talent, in hook- ing recitations and sleeping in Daisy's ~:~ c~E~~rsc:;t~k;:r t~e:' ~~too~~~:l~~ but they are as chummy as ever. Nellie served on the Monthly Staff, was two rears organist of the Y. W. C. A., and vice-president of Browning. erin~~l"t~h~~.r {t::. fSa~~~~~~~e~ ~e~:~: t:~~~~e:~.whiCh still 14
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