Page 23 - YB1907
P. 23
LEWIS EDWARD PURDUM, L L. S. Kemplmlm, Md. "Monte" is so called because his room- mate once discovered the likeness be- ~~~l~~~~a~~e~h=r~eSai~d~~~t ~~ ':sa~~~ of our "true men." The College can boast of few such sterling characters as ~~;o~l:~~ ;;~fii~:bl~ toT;i~~'~~h~fl!r;:d ,,/ his flock but never loved to lead." PU1'- ~~~n ~~'~sfdei~;~fe\r.eM~~~ lr~}nffo;~~:' System and manager of Foot Ball ~ean:. He also played on Base Ball team In his Freshman yea)'. He has exercised his r~~h~sa~d~a~;~~I~~tsth~d~~~~~gt~P::mbition. His musical tem- h~~~~~ft s7~ti;ili~x~i~ ~r~BI~~:~gFi~~~t~o::i!~~tB~~(leC~~~:;t~ . If History ever finds an honored place for ~he restraining hand it will assuredlly accord it to OUI' beloved President. ENGLAR McCLURE ROUZER, L L. S. Linwood, Md. I'd like you to understand that my name is Rou-zer. So spoke in a nasal tone a young man of Levine Hall. Since then his name has been euphoniously shortened to "Mac." Mac was once a ~~:ndSt~:~~~p~t~~ig7 P~::l~~~~igh~t~~ -/ took up his abode in College Hill. Mac is 11 hard student and makes the boy hustle who gets in his way. As captain of the Track Team he occupies a position which he has won by long, hard practice, and the success of that branch of Ath- letics is due largely to his "push. " Mac seldom speaks; he never (?) swears, but when his mouth opens something of acnee is forth-coming. He is a . fine dancer and horse-back rider, and his graceful bearing endears him to the fair hearts. Were it not for his fickle (?) fallacy we fear we would long since have lost him from our midst. 19
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