Page 17 - YB1907
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DAISY CLINE, B. L. S. Lonuconinq. Md. Daisy hails from Lonaconing where she frequently scaled the back fence to evade visitors. Wheninl903sheleftthe coal shafts to toil up College Hill she ~oat~~~:~h~~gs:cil~s~~ee 1~!~ioll~ssN~:~; V speak a word and off goes a flash ofwit. In her course Daisy has been Captain of the Basket B!lll Team, member of the College Monthly staff, twice vtce-Preet- dent of Browning and President of the Girls' Athletic Association. She is char- acterized by her monkey actions and by ~i~~rf~~~nl~:f~ra~~~ ~Z~i~~~~~~~\srfst~::y great judging from the number she receives from her numerous admirers. WILLIAM EDWARD DAVIS, W.L.~. PO(JomokeCity, Md. Our second "Bill" hails rrom Poco- moke-and he is proud, of it. With the brightness characterist.ic of that town he ~v~~:e;l~;ti~i~;~so~i~ ~:h~:k~p~~~ohi~ l'epututlO.n. Bill e n rly showed an ora- ~:~~~l o~IIfros~~i~rw~e~~1~\~1~:geD~ck~; Dashiell. This disposition made him a star in Webster SOCiety and placed him as one of the contest winners of June 1906. He has the best bass voice in the ~~~:fae~tadt:~~ndh~; ~~~ f;·i~~~shi~~~ tow n . As a tennis player he has few equals. He belongs to the Base ball team, was manager of Basket Ui~~~~~{e~~~l~ e~o~r~~:t~nl O!h~~;!·n:!inIhi~l'~(d~ift~~~e o:;tih~ best society. 13
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