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SARA ANNE STALLINGS, B. L. S. South Bausmore, Md. "Sister Sallie" was born on the sandy ~:r~~s~~J.t~ia:Sa~~:~oi~nwl~~tilf?~ ~h~ Lower-Sub" and throughout her course she has maintained that even tempera- ment which is the envy of all girls. Her kind acts and faithful zeal have won her a warm place in the hearts of her class mates. Although reserved in manner Sara's abilities have not been hid, fOI" b~in~ap~:~1d~~~e~f~~!sg~~~~~~~SS~~\~~;: She stands unrivaled as the best cook 1!l ~~~~lds:{n~;e~~~~~~nfo~ah~~' ~f~;P:i~= tera, She is also the class-past-mistress, which position she holds under Dr. Tiffany. Sara has fallen a victim to every disease from measels to love. ' They say she has safely recovered, but if you tease her she claims that her mind ls a perfect "Blank." CARRIE HULL THOMAS, P. L. S. Buckesjstoum, Md. Every class has its re p r e s e n t a tiv e student, its boy 01" its gn-l to whom it may point with pride as worthy of stand- ing for the class, Such a girl is Carrie, stately, digmfied and calm, when need be, she can also have a good time with the rest of us. Her natural powers have .J made her a speaker. She won the Fresh- man elocution medal, and had the great ~~~~~;,f~hfl~~~~~i;;/orA~w~ ~~a~ e\e; P~:~d~;t ho"tiph~~~;UP~~~de~~V~~\~W~ C. A. and Assistant Business Manager of the Class Book. As one of her class- mates has put it she does not "waste her sweetness on the desert air"-that is she does not smile across the path. Nevertheless she did once receive some very sentimental post cards. Carrie's indomi- table energy will always forge her to leadership whatever may .be her work, 21
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