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"Heaven," laughed the bones, '{why, do you know, Hell is not large enough for them. Dr. Lewis, Dr Bonnotte and Pror. Mcuaniel are all there now. Two days after' Billv Mac ' arrived he started sur- ve~ing Hell rrom one end to the other, and in less than a week-he had a pretty accurate idea of the lay of the land there, and, furthermore, had secured the value of all the land. Six months after his arrival, in came Dr. Lewis, and the two were together constantly for about a week, and there was no doubt in the world but what there was something doing. When the' Rit-e and Brimstone' (that is a weekly publica- tion or Hell that deals with financial matters principally) came out the report, whic.h had been current that Dr. Lewis and Billy Mac were trying to get full control of Hell, was confirmed. Doc was to take the Devil's place and Beelzebub was to resign his work to Billy Mac. When Doc saw me he offered me a job if I would help them out a little, so I did. The following day we all had an interview with the Prince him- self as to the terms on which he would resign. Their idea was to make Hell a pleasant resting place for all the ministry anc1let the rabble get a Hell of their own in some other place, over which the present gov- ernment might dominate. There was lots of preliminary talk on the subject, but when they came down to business the Devil said to the Doctor: 'Now, Doctor, yon surely do not think you can run this place, do you?' Doc winked at Billy Mac and replied: 'YOU1"Majesty, behold my works 011earth 1 I was presi- dent of two colleges, controlling all the votes in the faculties or both, was the main head of the 'vlsu-ylnud Conference (in the absence of the other officers)! 1 would have you thoroughly understand that T am the REVE]~ENI) THOMAS HAMILTON LEWIS, A.NI., D. D., ctc., etc., etc.! and could r-unthe Universe as success- fully as I did these earthly institutions, if I only had my friend Bill here to do the work.' This provoked the Devil considerably, nntl he jumped to his feet swearing violently. 'Condemned men of ear-th.' said he, 'there is but one Devil, arid he is at the head of the only Hell in existence! 1 do not care what fame yOll won 011 earth, you can't run Hell!' Doc began to tell him of what terms he would make, but this only made the Devil worse, and with his heavy foot he stamped around there and made so l1111chC011- iusion that all the guardS carne to the scene. Then the Devil ordered Doc and Billy taken to the furnaces to do stokers' duty for one hundred 'years" I was put ill a dungeon, fed on hot sulphur paddies with molten iron sauce, kept there on that splendid diet for a short time and released." "Well, what became of Dr. BOlll1otte,while all this was going on?" 1 asked. "As soon as Jobby landed he saw the Hell Hounds running nr-cuud, and one, he said, looked like his 213 - -
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