Page 207 - YB1903
P. 207
HOL'fON.-The stndente seem to be kicking about such light meals. This morning 1 bought six pounds of sausage for two hundred students, and some were still unsatisfied. Doc.-How much a pound did it cost you? HOLTON.-It was a little bit strong when T got it and I only bad to pay three cents. Miss COCFlRA~.-That's right dear 1 think, but if Prof. Holton can get another half-pound at the rate of two cents pcr pound, r move yon that he buy an extra half-pound, making an abundance of six and a half pouncls, and if that isn't a plenty for two hundred students, then I don't know. Doc.-Yes, that's a plenty. Don't get any more. Just so I get plenty down at my house I'm not caring. PROF. VV a-r-rs.c-Should I allow the students to bring anything extra on their table. PROF. HUCL.-I think not. Suppose we have the waiters appropriate all such stufi, and when we get enough we will have a faculty set-up. HOLTON.-i bought two gallons of strap last 1110nth and we still have some left. I got that cheap strap and it" wonxs" a lot. The students can't cat it very well. Dn. Hussev.c-Wcll, Doc., if Prof. Holton still has more strap, perhaps I would like to have another can put 011 my table. 1 wish the next that he would buy would be a little bit thicker, because this thin molasses gets i111l1Ywhiskers and then the Senior boys laugh at rue trying to dig it out with my fork. If Prof. Holton intends to have hash for lunch tomorrow, I would like to say that 1 know where there's a clog. Doc.-Well, Prof. Holton, you see about that dog, and maybe I can send my little dog over town to bring some back to college, and the waiters can trap them. I would like to suggest that all of the members of the faculty always be on the watch out for dogs. PIWF. McDANtEL.-I have to have a new typewriter. PROF. WILLs.-\Vell, I regyard this as a necessity, and move that one be purchased from the student's caution money. Mrss Sco1'T.-I wholly agree with Prof Wills, and would suggest that the balance be used to defray the expenses of a faculty reception to the students. - - 197 - -
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