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histories, we wish to note some characteristics applicable to the class as a whole. From the earliest existence of 1902 independence has been the great factor in our development. To use a familiar expression, we have" always paddled our own canoe." By this we do not mean that we are of that arrogant specie of college genus who think they know it all, for we have ever recognized those who are our superiors, and have been willing to profit b_,"their advice. Bnt we are not of the kind who worship at an abandoned shrine, nor offer oblations to some garland-decked abode of past genius. OFiginalityand ] 902 are synonymous, hence we have always had a stand- ard of our own design towards which we have progressed. Thc result is that the name of 1902 will long be remembered 011 College Hill, and the arched welkins of her classic walls will ever reverberate the syruphonjous notes of our progress. With these remarks serving as an introduction, vvc will now glance at the names On our class roll: ).lARY KERR BLANOFOIW, . Clinton, Md. P. L. S.; Literary Editor of _lfOllth~l', '02. From an old Prince George's farm she carne to western Maryland and cast her fortune with the gathering host of 1902. She brought with her the frank sincerity characteristic of the country lass. and this accounts for the extreme credulity for which she is noted. She soon displnved an ardent disposition for United States history, ami finally became a worshiper of Alexander Hamilton. Credulous, did 1 say? Well, yes, $0 much so that she has always been the chief promoter of the numerous petitions sent by the Senior girls to the Faculty, honestly believing they would be granted. How's that for credulity? Xlny, however, is a thorough student, and the correctness of her answers cannot be equalled. She has received two medals for class leader_ ship; never was known to use a pony except in d Deutsch," a j~tiling common to the class. Her favorite recreation is to perch herself on the foot of the bed and inspire her classmates with her soul-stirring cry of "COCk.H_ doodle-doc. " L,\WIIEKCE !lL'LL CHAFFINCII,. . Easton, xtd. W. L. ~.; Asst. EeL of AliOHA, '02; Member of the Foot Ball Team, '99, '00, '01; Captain, 1901; Member of Basket Ball Team, '00, '01; Member of Base Ball Team, '99; Tennis Manager, '00, '01. 36
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