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faculty, REV. THOS. HA1\JILTON LEWIS, A. xr., 11. D., PRESIDENT, And Professor of Philosophy. MISS E1tMA ASHTOi\ SCOTT, PRECEPTRESS. REV. JA?<.lES WlLLIAl\] REESE, A. 1L, PIT. D., Princeton, Professor of Ancient: Languages and Literature. WILLIAM ROBERTS .i\IcDANrBL, A. 11., SECRETARY, And Professor oi Me themsctics end .-lstranomy. GEORGE WASHINGTON WARD, A. 1\1., PI-I. D., Johns Hopkins, Professor of History end Political Science. GEORGE B. HUSSEIl, Pil. D.,Jobns Hopkins. And Associate Professor of Latin and Greek. ROWLAND WATTS, A. :"1., DEA:\:, Professor of Physics end Biology. PEROIKA:\IO BONNOTTE, PH. D.,johns Hopkins, Professor of French end German. i\DIE. :\·IARIE BO:-·mOTTE, Assistant ill French. CHARLES]. i\100RE, PH. D., Lniv. of Virginia, Professor ot Chemistry and Geology 19
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