Page 44 - YB1901
P. 44
prologue. [l NCE The old century with its wonderful triumph of human ano.ther has dis- again years cycle. have completed the ever-encircling appeared in the abyss of the past, while the present Its splendid possibilities is still new-born from the ages of eternity. At such a time, more than at any other, all nature seems to assume a more serious aspect and all creation appears to mourn the approach of its final dissolution. Nowhere was this seriousness more keenly appreciated than in the Class of 1£101,where the closing hours of the nineteenth century witnessed the achievements of a class of men and women who were fated to enter upon the sterner duties of life under such circumstances. History record of human progress; applied to a it is a chronicle of those events which mark the progress of a class toward final goal. From year to year, a history of this class, as a whole, has been pub- lished in former editions of these annuals, to which we would refer you for a summary of our progress; but, in this sketch. it is the purpose of the historian to record not so much the serious record of each one as a component part of the whole, but those idle whims and fancies which have marked the life of each as interpreted in the light of their appearance to the class. The his- torian disclaims intention whatever to ridicule or to deride, but has recorded everything an utmost spirit of friendliness. With this as an introduction let us now turn to the class roll: ---+ 34.j-
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49