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face to assume a look of interest, and that is the smile of some coy maiden, but even this charm is not potent enough to arouse him effectually. After taking a special course in the "gym." to cultivate a dignified appearance, his dig-nity sadly forsook him on several occasions; once when approaching a young lady for a favor he took a tumble in the snow, and again, when in response to his effort to lift a napkin from the table, the dishes began to scatter. He has amassed a greater string of nicknames than has fallen to anyone else in the class. It has been related that Nettie Maude Crockett, after through fire and brimstone unscathed, came from her island home to class in its Freshman veal', confident in the expectation that she could brave the alluring charm; of masculine smiles; but vain hope. Cupid aimed his shaft only too true, another bleeding heart sought 'divine healing, and another crown of victory graced the brow of this mischief-loving youth. She firmly believes that writing makes one exact. With this in view she has become an adept in the art. The number and Ire- quency of her letters are rivalled only by the diligence with which she carries water to throw on whatever specimen of male humanity who ventures under her window. She is not a re- specter of persons, but visits the same upon professor or president as upon In addition to this she has a most decided mania for dancing, despite all rules and regula- tions to the contrary. It has been her mis- Th~ nuIlOHl",'~IP fortune to be caught almost every time she has attempted to dance; but not even the sharp reproof which she invariably received moderated her ardor. She wishes to have her own way in every- thing, and domineering over her room mate she will stamp as wrong whatever may contlict with her opinion. Even before arriving at the age of discretion Isaac Jones Dashiell began to wander and down the face of the earth in search of wisdom and understanding. investigating by actual experience the benefits con- ferred by several other schools, he chanced to light upon College Hill, where he became a member of a class whose intellectual attainments have for five years 'somewhat quieted him, but he still retains some traces of his former --+ 39-!-
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