Page 47 - YB1901
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tion, always to receive a royal welcome. willing to extend a helping hand. he has endeared himself to his who see in him one who can be trusted on every occasion. Fresh from the protecting care of home, and untainted by the ways of the world. James Randali Caton, Junior. entered the portals of 'Western Mary- la;1d College in the autumn of 1897. at the tender age of sixteen years, and, what is most remarkable! he has never grown any older. Breaking away from old influences and entangling himself in the meshes of Hattery, this child began a conquest of hearts' with the result that he is the "Napoleon" of society. The number of female scalps and bleeding hearts dangling at bis belt mark him as the champion flirt. For this accomplishment one of his victims has called him conceited. But unlike Alexander, he is not weeping for more hearts to conquer, but now he is content with establishing his supremacy in one, and congratulating himself on his good looks. "Jimmie" is a remarkable personage in many respects. He is intelligent enough to rank high in scholarship; he was the Freshman class leader, and he possesses more than ordinary talent in music and art, but with these attainments he is too lazy to take full advantage of his opportunities. He has aspired to be an athlete. but in this he has been capped by his knock-knees. When he is standing erect they form a triangle with the floor-as a base; when walking they strike against each other with monotonous regularity. "She is one of the brightest girls that ever came to this institution," were the words used by a professor in speaking of Marion Clark. "j\ladamemoiseIle" has been a class leader for every term since the Sophomore year, at which time she entered college, but with all this she has failed in her attempt to establish woman's intellectual superiority over man. She is a perfect mystery to her classmates, who frequently misjudge her through ignorance of the real motives which actuate her conduct, but she can be easily influenced through her susceptibility to flattery and her proneness to credulity. Her college life has not been one continuous of sunshine. In the first place she was beard to remark that some one. to anyone except herself, had kindled a spark of love in her breast in the Sophomore year, but unavoidable circumstances made it impossible for this to grow. Grieving OVe.I: this sad prospect and worrying over the belief that she was the target for all the jokes of, the class, she sought refuge in the" insane asylum" in the --+37-1-
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