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Seior year. It is reported that .'/Ie SIlJIS that she does not study, but by her natural ability can acquire full command of each lesson. In the midst of assuming an indifferent air and appearing wholly cheerful in her she proclaims herself the most abused person in the class. The eastern shore has many valiant defenders, but /Iz"g/U"st among these stands William True to the instincts of a he has been an to his classmates in exhausting their patience marvelous praises of his native town. Once he attempted to prove by his Personal appearance that the d full dinner pail" was in evidence among the "sand barrens" of Worcester d Shad" is prone to make finger at result. he begins to rise until at last can hear a idiotic laugh, by which you that he has reached his journey's end. "Shad" is a musician, singer, photographer, and what not! In man year he bought a actually learned three elocutionist is that he resembles a too closely to gain the sympathy of His howling success has been in oratory, for rising to his full height he keeps his audience in a con- tinual howl with his" As I was about to say." In- spired by the Worcester county whip-poor-will, he early sought fame as a but his fate in the glee club destroyed that The assiduous attention given to photography in his Senior year earned for him the ap- pellation "tripod." The earnest prayer of his mates is "~hy his shadow never grow less." Elwood Alexander Cobey, whose brown eyes first caught sight of terrestrial things in Charles county (God bless her), is an unsolved phenome- non. After terrorizing his native town [or fourteen years with his unearthly screams, this embryo orator developed his full cower among the hills of Western Maryland. Beyond praying one whole night and counterfeiting an angel in robes of white, his sub-Freshman year passed by uneventfully. 'vSleep is a gentle thing Beloved from pole to pole." After seeing him we can readily believe the fable of the seven sleepers of Ephesus. There is only one thing that can cause his eye to flash or his -+ 38 +--
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