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Stockton Literary Society. ERY student who graduates from Westminster Theological Semi- nary and enters the active work of the ministry will many times in his life be called upon either to make an impromptu speech or to discuss some question in a public capacity where he meets with opponents, or he may be called upon to preside over a temperance meetinz, a quarterly, annual, or general conference. It was for the purpose of assisting the student to stand upon his feet and think deliberately that the Stockton Literary Society was organized in J883. Every Friday afternoon of the scholastic year at three o'clock the Society holds its regular meeting. At these meetings a programme is ren- dered consisting of readings, recitations, orations, lectures, and a debate. In these debates questions of a literary, ecclesiastical, sociological, and moral character are discussed. The annual reunion of the Society on Monday at 8 o'clock of commencement week is considered by all who participate far the most pleasant event of the scholastic year. At these reunions a banquet is served, and the literary genius and the young theologian combine their wit in suit- able toasts. How far short the Stockton Literary Society has come of producing men of ministerial and literary culture with ability to detect fallacies in debate and to defend the truth, as well as men competent to preside with dignity and grace over parlimentary body, we leave for the intelligent criticism of our parishioners the future. -1- 31-1-
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