Page 206 - YB1896
P. 206
Cb~Crag~"pof b~rring Dall. Once lIp011 an evening dreary, as we studied weak and weary Over milny an author's work of the good old days of yore; While we studied nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone rapping-rapping at a Senior's door, "'Tis a muttered. "tapping at our chamber door; and nothing more.' And this thing we remember clearly, that it was in February Whcn we heard this dreaded rapping at our old friend Lakin's door, For Melvin then was full of sorrow, as he'd tried to borrow A little from friend Livy, from friend well-filled store; Simply to a little" pony," as we have already said before, Only this and nothing more, Lakin 50011 grew somewhat stronger, hesitating then no " What do you want, you blame brute," said he, "stalld~llg llly cbambcr door? For the fact is, I am smoking and am in 110 mood for joking. But if really are not bununing, 1 will let in my door," This Sandy," and having said it, he quite wide the door. Darkness there? Ah! In came Ward with all his cheek, as if in his sleep, But under his arm lie held a beast from old dreaded shore, " Boys," said he, ,. I found this beast prowling around to get a feast From the scraps we Senior's pitch.out the window and the door; And I've determined he shall feast 'before the Senior's hallowed door Never, nevermore,"
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