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JllR~v~l,ation. C HE subjects at large by expressed of '96, in their l1UIl1f;rOUS and mys- of nature as to the curiosity world great Class discussed satisfy that class-meetings, terious interest consent their doings, has by common class, in order to to publish this the following in agreed proceedings enacted in one of those important gatherings, which example will serve as a type for all: PIl.ESIDENT \,y. Svrnr.c.-Attenrion, please! Class will please come to order. As our is limited, we will at once proceed to business. You all know that the foremost ill OUf minds at present is what a class of our size and great genius can to make its name immortal after it has completed its course at Alma Mater. In accordance with this, one of our members has requesre'[ me to present the following" statement, found ill one of his historical researches, for the serious consideration of the class. It concerns the" Lost 'Mexican City," reponed by Steven ill his researches, and reads as follows: "A large city once stood here; its name is lost-its history unknown. For cen- turies it has lain as completely buried as if covered with the lava of Vesuvius. Every traveler lrom Yzabal to Cuurcmala has passed within three hours of it, yet there it like the rock-built city of Eclom, unvisited, unsought, and utterly The Illeeting is now open for remarks on the subject. Mn. F1HCENY;-~~'r '. President, I think that it is a burning shame for such a matter as a lost city' to lie neglected. Therefore, for the honor of the class, and of our country, L rh ink that the Class of '96 ought to see about rebuilding this city. PRESlOENT.-Has anyone a motion to make? rV[R. PosEY.-1',11r. President, T move that the Class of '96 r-eclaim this city and give it the name of "Chick-a-go-rl111k." PREsIDl,NT.-Any second to that motion? Mrss KE,\TlNG.-J second that merion. PRESI!)EN1',-It has been moved and seconded that the Class of '1)6 re- claim this lost city and give it the name of "Ehick-a-go-nnu.." All in favor please say" Aye." Ct.xss.c-Aye! PUES1DENT.-Opposed, "No:' PRES1DENT.-The. aves have it. 1fR. GlIlSON.-1Vfr. ·President. I 1110ve that the class send 1\'11'. Crimes to photograph views of this city. ,8,
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