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LAWRENCE CAUL FREENY,-" 1 am sure care is the enemy of life," j\'[CIIOLAS OLIVI::R GIIISON,-" An ass is always known by his bray," EL!AS OL!VER GR!,\IES,-" I like dates, but don't want to chew a calendar." MARION T-IEAR,,·.-"That which ordinary mcn are fit for, I am qualified in, and and the best of me is diligence." HJ\RI{Y ALLEN L'\KIN.-" 1 am always ready:' V/1LL[AM ORION LIVINGSTON.-"l'll leave 111y study, leave renown, to see my sweetheart in the tOWI1 " \VjLLlA~l AYJ)I,;1.0TTE 1\l[EL\·I1\'.-" Bid me discourse, and I will enchant thine ear." \VII.LI,\\l ELLSWOHTII Pli:TTI;;T.-" This 1110SS upon my chin proclaims that I a111 mortal.' FI~J\N" DUNNINC11.,HI POs[';\',-" The balm of Gilead for human ill, 1 think is a girl from Centreville," PAUL REESE,-" 1 would correspond with her if 1 only knew how to spell." CL,\UDI:: T[LDEN S~IITII.-" If yOI1 like music, just listen to the band on my hat.' _lUIIN SMITH,-" For Roman Gods J care not' a C\1SS, but worship still a modern Tlncchus.' D,\N1EL EOWIN STONE,-" Beard was never a true standard for brains," i\'IIL'J'QN LE1WY VEASE\',-"Lest men suspect m)' tale untrue, lfl keep proba- bilitv in view," JOIlN LE~tUE1. \I\rARD.-" Mn.nifestf y r am pre-eminently
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