Page 208 - YB1896
P. 208
Stone now this fiend found his efforts unavailing, For the stubbornly to quit his place behind the door. And with fiery eyes, the mettle of us all he tries, While we our nerves distracting, the contents of our soul ourpour. .. Kill," we said, wretch of Hades; shoot him down upon the floor, Then he'll bother us nevermore," Then to our frightened sours Stolle with concentrated might, Caught the puppy by the neck out the room his burden lrore. Then the clog as quick as lightning, as if the thing his soul delighting, Released himself from Stone's tight grip, sat himself upon the Hoar, Sat himself upon his tail, just in front of Grimes's door; Sat and grinned and nothing more, now, as quick as thought, alit of his room his pistol brougbr; loudest demonstrations, shot the dog before the door. But instead of the dog's expiring, soon he sent us all retiring, Back into our 1'00111 affrighted, the opening of our door. For he showed us teeth ungainly, as as ever seen before. This he did, ami nothing more. "Wretch," said Bosley, 0, thing of evil, dog, dragon, beast or devil, By the heaven that bends above us, you shall quit our hallowed floor, You shall go to lowest Tartarns, you have acted a little too smart for us, Now I'll another shot and get closer than before." Having this we heard a shot, somewhat louder than before, A long, loud noise and nothing more. But the now fl111of fight, and to our extreme delight, Cast aside bold demeanor and left his place before the door. Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he, But with quick and hnn-icd step went np on the sky-parlor floor. And here again we heard a growling, somewhat louder than before- For 11e growled and nothing more. Our hero now with will determinate, that this foul beast he would exterminate Shot agpin this odious monster as he had done now twice before, ' Anel the daR no more to toil, shuffled off this marta! coil. Thus with how! the most demoniac, he lay and died upon the floor, RolEng in his life-blood flowing, died amidst this horrid gore- This he did and nothing more. ,88
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