Page 202 - YB1896
P. 202
PRES!D!.:NT.--Any second to that motion? l'vllss POWI"EI<.-I 'second it. PRESII)I,:WI".-It has been moved and seconded that Mr. Grimes be sent to photograph views of this city. All in favor please say "Aye." CLASS.-A.Ye Pnesuaenr.c-Opposed, .. No." (Silence.) PrlEsIDENT.-Aycs have it. MR. VEASEV.-?I'fr. President, T clon't see how Mr. Grimes is going to pho- tograph a city whose site is unknown. So far as r understand, no exact situa- tion has as been presented to the class. Therefore,] move that the class reconsider motion made by 1"] r. Gibson. PRESJDENT.-Any remarks on the subject? 1"lR. PETTET.-lvlr. President. we are discussing a "lost city';" therefore, J think that the class intends to find this city first, and then proceed to reclaim it Therefore, 1 think Mr. Veasey's motion entirely out of order. • PRESllHci\·T.-Any further remarks? 'VI" should like to hear Irom the young ladies. (Silcncc.) Pln,:SIDJ;:N'r (rising.)-l have a few remarks to make upon the subject. For the- (Miss Ferris appears on the scene of action.) PrlES1DEl\·T.-! guess our time is about up. (Class adjourns to meet the next time in the far distant future.) V'SIR, E,SIR. A-SIR. S'SIR, E-SIR, Y·SIR.
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