Page 204 - YB1896
P. 204
Brilliant Cbougbts of '~6. H_J\CHAEL ALICE .BU(;KINGII'<\~I,-"To meet, to love and then to part, is the sad- dest lot of a schoolgirl's heart." lDA iVrAE DODD.-" Virtues, like flowers, arc most fragl'ant .whcn crushed." ALlCE Mxuer, ELI)I':I{!)I(;E,-" Sadder to me than funeral knell, is the 6.3 0 rising-bell." • i\.fARY ELlZ,\IIJ;;TII ENGL,\I{.-" Courage in ethics is half of the recitation." BESSIE \'VILSON GUNKEI ..-" Harmony (?) hath stolen into rhc utmost cells of m}' brain, and hath wound itself around rny every thought." BESSIE OilER HERR.-" Music allures the lover of Revcl(le)ry." LVDA BROOKS HOl'KINS.-" The golden star of every life is love of truth, sense of right." NANNII': P"\liLINE KE,\TING,-" The early bird catches the 11'01'111,but if the 11'01'111 hadn't been out, he wouldn't have been caught.' l\'iARy'l'I'IMnIN KE,\IP,-" You ask for a thought, but this J shall Alink; for lve thought and I've thought, but I cannot thunk." S,\lb\ VII<(;IN1:\ KENLY.-" Where ignorace is hi iss, 'lis folly to be wise." 1\lJ1
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