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\Vhile these and many other events were transpiring, time (in some respects our kind friend and in others some other kind) brought 115 an invitation, to a banquet, fr0111 our sister class of '94. At the appointed time we assembled, the prettiest lot of girl~ and happiest lot of fellows in the country. The members of '94 had spare:l nothing that we might enjoy the evening, they seemed to have COnsidered our happi- ness primarily, and after enjoying the repast much and the company of '94- more, we bade them good by, knowing them better and loving them more. But we must cease to multiply words, which are inadequate, modesty bids us refrain. \Vltat we have done is inscribed upon the many walls that have been reared since our entrance j Stlllg from the stage by the" Glee Club," founded by us, and shouted over the hills by members of the athletic association, Read the inscriptions, hear the strains of music and shouts of praise, What do they tell? One aud the same story- progress. If you would know of us look at the advnucerl steps of our college. \Ve found no gymnasium. 110 Hering hall, 110 Levine hall, no President's home or Association building. We found no glee club, 110 foot-ball team or athletic association. Our apartments were crowded, cur preparatory students mingled with the Srs. and our songs and praises would seem to be ill form of a triangle, cube or some other mathe- matical figure as we would swear over the math. at day and pray over our sins at night in the same room, but all is changed. and to day we boast of our new halls, recitation rooms, gymuasiurn, President's uouse aurl Christian association building- Our athletic association is a strong body, 0\11' foot-ball team a terror, and our glee club is no doubt the best in the state. '1'hink of all this which has been accomplished ill four years, and connect with it the postponing of the 'World's Fair for one year, that these two great events of America might occur in the same year, and then add to all this '93'S greatest achievement, namely, the editing of annals for the year. While others may have thought of it, it remaiued for them to execute, and thus they have clothed themselves with honor, and have placed their Alma Mater on an equal plain witu any college in the state, and, is it too much to say sh a is ahead of all, excelling them ill all points, by so far ns the first edition of our annals excelfs that of any other college. Give to all who have gone before clue praise, and to all who may follow just reward for what they shall do, but let it be known that we ask for ours, and ours alone, so render unto '93 that which is '93'S. 58
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